PeaceRep’s Ethiopia research
PeaceRep’s Ethiopia research focuses on the ONLF peace process, the political marketplace, global fragmentations, and natural resources.
ONLF peace process
Our partner Conciliation Resources is focusing on the ONLF (Ogaden National Liberation Front) peace process in the Somali Regional State (SRS). CR has supported peace talks between the federal government of Ethiopia and the ONLF, leading up to the 2018 Asmara Peace Accord.
Research is exploring avenues for sustaining progress in the peace process by investigating how the peace process is affected by historical, political and clan (re-)alignments and shifting alliances between individuals and groups – within SRS, and across its borders with other Ethiopian regions, other Somali-inhabited regions in Somalia and Kenya and the wider Horn of Africa.
CR’s research is exploring possibilities for peaceful and inclusive changes among key groups in attitude, relationship, policy and behaviour, and how mediation and peacebuilding by and with these individuals and groups can support and sustain peaceful political transition in SRS. Research findings will inform CR and its partners’ strategies for peace mediation and peacebuilding practice for SRS, as well as wider peace policy for Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa.
Political marketplace and variable geometry of peacemaking institutions
Our partner World Peace Foundation (WPF) at Tufts University is exploring the variable geometry of peacemaking and conflict resolution institutions in the Horn of Africa. In Ethiopia, differing priorities of institutions and actors have resulted in a deeply fragmented response by international actors to the conflict and humanitarian crises. WPF is analysing the changing regional implications of the emerging political (un)settlement and political economy in Ethiopia, and the role of financial flows and institutions in facilitating transactional politics.
The WPF is also examining the cross-country political marketplace. WPF is researching the theoretical implications for conflict resolution and mediation processes within contexts that operate as political marketplaces and why traditional approaches are insufficient for long-term peace.
Global transitions
Ethiopia is also a key element of our work in the Global Transitions series, which looks at fragmentations in the global order and how these impact peace and transition settlements.
Natural resources
Finally, our Ethiopia research explores natural resources and interstate conflict in Ethiopia and its neighbouring countries.
PeaceRep’s Ethiopia work is led by Conciliation Resources and the World Peace Foundation at Tufts University, with additional inputs by LSE Ideas, University of Edinburgh and Coventry University.
The Ethiopia research team includes Alexander Ramsbotham, Aden Abdi, and Suzanne van Hooff (Conciliation Resources), and Aditya Sarkar, Benjamin Spatz, Jared Miller, and Alex de Waal (World Peace Foundation). Research is also undertaken by Jan Pospisil (Coventry).
Ethiopia Research
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