
Seminars, discussions and more from PeaceRep consortium members.

Reporting Concerns


PeaceRep’s safeguarding measures has three stands and three reporting concerns methods:

(i) the programme has appointed a named Safeguarding Officer, Dr Harriet Cornell, for the entire PeaceRep consortium including downstream partners. The Safeguarding Officer can be contacted directly with any concerns.

(ii) PeaceRep falls under The University of Edinburgh’s umbrella safeguarding policies. Concerns can be reported directly to UoE via the UoE Reporting Concerns mechanism.

(iii) PeaceRep complies with FCDO’s Reporting Concerns policy via this page on the PeaceRep website. Concerns can be reported directly to FCDO in this way.

Reporting Concerns

PeaceRep welcomes those engaged with our research to contact us at any time to discuss our work, and to also raise criticisms and concerns.

Please email us at

The UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) also has a formal independent mechanism for serious concerns that can be accessed independently of anyone involved in the Programme.

FCDO Reporting Concerns Mailbox

PeaceRep is funded by FCDO to deliver its programme of research through a consortium of organisations, led by The University of Edinburgh. Circulation of the Reporting Concerns Mailbox within supplier organisations is an important requirement of the FCDO Supplier Code of Conduct.

What is the Code of Conduct?

The FCDO Supplier Code of Conduct has been introduced into contractual terms and conditions to drive high standards of ethical and professional behaviour and more effective and efficient delivery. Compliance with the Code is usually written into contractual agreements.

Why is There a Reporting Concerns Mailbox?

FCDO, as custodian of public money, is committed to ensuring the highest standards of conduct in the delivery of their funded projects and services as well as complying with all relevant UK and overseas legislation. They, therefore, pass that responsibility to their Suppliers and expect those standards to be similarly passed down delivery chains.

As custodians of public money, FCDO and their suppliers need to be held to account. Due to scrutiny of the international aid budget, it is important that it is seen to be delivering value for money and abiding by relevant legislation and good ethical practice. The existence of the mailbox allows anyone involved in a contract, down to beneficiary level, to anonymously raise concerns to FCDO.

What Can be Reported to the Mailbox?

The Reporting Concerns Mailbox can be found at the Counter Fraud and Whistleblowing Unit (CFWU) of FCDO. The CFWU is for raising concerns and suspicions or allegations of fraud or corrupt practices. This includes both internal and external cases where FCDO funds, assets or interests (including FCDO reputation) are involved, and any breach of HMG’s Civil Service Code.

Any concerns can be reported by:

  • Emailing
  • Telephoning the confidential hotline on +44 (0) 1355 843747
  • In writing to: Head of Internal Audit, 22 Whitehall, London, SW1A 2EG.

Further information on the reporting process can be found on the FCDO website.