PA-X is currently the most expansive collection of peace agreements data in the world. Now in Version 8, PA-X contains 2,003 peace agreements, found in more than 150 peace processes between 1990 and 2024.
The dataset features an archive of agreement texts in PDF format, a corpus of agreement texts (all translated into English by translators with expertise in law, legal studies, or countries from which the agreements originated), a human-coded dataset that covers agreement metadata and 230 substantive categories of issues covered in agreement texts. PA-X also contains sub-datasets on local agreements, gender, and amnesties.
The data can be searched using a variety of parameters, enabling users to download any subset of data (or the corpus) required for their project. Additionally, users are able to view any subset of agreements selected through the search via a timeline feature for search results.
PA-X data underpins a range of digital tools and datasets to support policy and practice, including PA-X Gender, PA-X Local, the ACPA dataset, and Ceasefires in a Time of COVID-19.
PA-X Database
PA-X Gender
PA-X Local
Search the main PA-X V8 database, containing over 2,000 peace agreements from 1990 to 2024. |
Search PA-X Gender, which lists all peace agreements in PA-X with provisions on women, girls, gender or sexual violence. |
PA-X Local contains all peace agreements that deal with local issues, involve local actors, and forms of local/communal violent conflict. |
PA-X Tracker: Peace and Transition Process Tracker
Amnesties, Conflict and Peace Agreement Dataset
Database on Constitution‑Building Processes in Fragile Settings
Combining a suite of PeaceTech tools, the PA-X Tracker is an innovative digital tool that allows users to track peace and transition process commitments and implementation data by country. |
The ACPA dataset contains 289 amnesties introduced as a result of ongoing conflict, as part of peace negotiations, or in postconflict periods from January 1990 to September 2016 in all world regions. |
This database by International IDEA allows users to explore how constitutional processes have unfolded in challenging environments from 2001 to today, with over 200 data points for each case. |
Perceptions of Peace in South Sudan
Mapping Syria
Ceasefires in a Time of COVID-19
This interactive dashboard presents insights from longitudinal survey data, with key findings on peace and security, public authority, governance, and elections. |
Using expert survey data, Mapping Syria offers insights into institutional status, public authority and legitimacy, justice, and inclusive development. |
The COVID-19 ceasefires tracker is a digital tracking tool which shows the progress of ceasefires alongside data on infection rates in country, up until 10 March 2023. |