Dr Kathryn Nash represents PSRP at Knowledge Frontiers Symposium
PSRP Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr Kathryn Nash attended the UK-Australia Knowledge Frontiers Symposium hosted by The British Academy (BA) in partnership with the Australian Academy of the Humanities (AAH) held from 10-11 November 2019 in Brisbane, Australia. The Symposium brought together early career academics from the United Kingdom (UK), Australia, and the Pacific to discuss questions around the theme of the ‘The Future’ and the co-production of knowledge. It included an opportunity to apply for seed funding to solidify collaborations between academics from the UK and academics from Australia and the Pacific. This event is part of a series of Knowledge Frontiers Symposia hosted by the BA.
As part of her trip, Dr Nash also attended a workshop on engagement with policymakers led by Professor Karen Hussey, Director of the Centre for Policy Futures at the University of Queensland. She also attended the AAH 50th Symposium on ‘Humanising the Future’. The Symposium provided a forum to discuss how humanities scholars can help ensure new and emerging technologies best serve humanity, the environment, and society. It also provided an opportunity to discuss the future of the humanities discipline in a rapidly changing world and academic sector.
Photo: Kathryn Nash