
Seminars, discussions and more from PeaceRep consortium members.

Selected group of posts as a 'deck' of cards - 6 posts on finance and money and elections.

Can political finance explain the different development stories in Ethiopia and Sudan?


Differences in political finance have impacted on political settlements and, ultimately, on developmental trajectories.

Decarbonization and Conflict Resolution


While decisive action is needed on climate change, proposed policies need careful consideration where they may lead to destabilization of peace.

Kenya’s Election Challenge: Addressing electoral grievances


A constitutional and legal path to addressing grievances with Kenya's presidential election could strengthen democracy.


A New Approach or a Return to the Status Quo?


The Northern Ireland Assembly has reopened after a three-year collapse, but is this a new beginning? Dr Kevin McNicholl (PSRP Postdoctoral Fellow) examines the thorny issues at...


Cross-border flows of political finance across the Red Sea region


The flow of political finance from the Gulf States and Turkey into the Horn of Africa shows how illicit financial flows can affect stability in the context...

Mind the Billboards: The Paradox of Paternalism in Burundi


Astrid Jamar continues her analysis of the prominence of aid billboards in Burundi and how these contribute to colonial continuities which in turn shape the public space...


Selected group of posts as a 'deck' of cards - 6 posts on finance and money and elections.

Can political finance explain the different development stories in Ethiopia and Sudan?


Differences in political finance have impacted on political settlements and, ultimately, on developmental trajectories.

Decarbonization and Conflict Resolution


While decisive action is needed on climate change, proposed policies need careful consideration where they may lead to destabilization of peace.

Kenya’s Election Challenge: Addressing electoral grievances


A constitutional and legal path to addressing grievances with Kenya's presidential election could strengthen democracy.


A New Approach or a Return to the Status Quo?


The Northern Ireland Assembly has reopened after a three-year collapse, but is this a new beginning? Dr Kevin McNicholl (PSRP Postdoctoral Fellow) examines the thorny issues at...


Cross-border flows of political finance across the Red Sea region


The flow of political finance from the Gulf States and Turkey into the Horn of Africa shows how illicit financial flows can affect stability in the context...

Mind the Billboards: The Paradox of Paternalism in Burundi


Astrid Jamar continues her analysis of the prominence of aid billboards in Burundi and how these contribute to colonial continuities which in turn shape the public space...
