
Seminars, discussions and more from PeaceRep consortium members.

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PeaceRep Myanmar team invited to speak at British Academy

PeaceRep team members presented research on conflict fragmentation and peacemaking in Myanmar at the launch of the Global (Dis)Order policy programme.

Local Peacebuilding Initiatives in Iraq: Workshop Explores Community-driven Solutions for...

A workshop in Erbil brought together local leaders, civil society members, and peacebuilding practitioners to examine the vital role of Local Peace Committees and community-driven initiatives in Iraq’s recovery.

On the Gaza Ceasefire: Reasons for Optimism and Caution

Drawing on PeaceRep's comparative research, Sanja Badanjak reflects on reasons for optimism and caution following the announcement of the Gaza ceasefire.


Explaining External Actors’ Absence in al-Assad’s Ouster: Opportunities and...

Following the fall of al-Assad, Kasia Houghton delves into the nuanced geopolitical dynamics, offering insights on opportunities and obstacles shaping Syria’s transition.

Checkpoints in Hiraan – ‘Everything is Upside Down’

Nisar Majid and Khalif Abdirahman draw on an extended interview with a minibus driver in Somalia to reflect on the proliferation of checkpoints in the Hiraan region.

Indo-Pacific Minister Praises PeaceRep’s Support for Global Peace Processes on Visit to...

Catherine West MP commended PeaceRep's research and data-driven insights as an invaluable resource for researchers and peace actors.