
Seminars, discussions and more from PeaceRep consortium members.



Reimagining peace and transition processes amid changing conflict landscapes


This work develops the ‘fragment state’ analysis to help us understand conflict and peace dynamics, and where and how best to support agency for peacebuilding, through a series of connected academic and practice-based inquiries.

Dove mural

Peace Processes

This work asks how the concept of ‘fragment state’ can be used to improve peace process design and implementation. The project interacts with a strong practical component of rapid reaction and in-time support of peacemaking and peacebuilding work, as well as direct peacemaking engagement of PeaceRep partners in Afghanistan, Ethiopia/Ogaden, Iraq, Sudan, and Syria.

A world map made up of lines and geometric shapes

Geopolitical Transitions

The international landscape of peacemaking and peacebuilding is changing rapidly, with a ‘global marketplace of political transition’ (Carothers and Samet-Marram, 2015) quickly taking shape. A ‘global ungovernance’ of peace (Bell, Pospisil, 2020) goes hand in hand with increasing regionalism. The impact of these developments on the dynamics of peace and conflict is examined based on PeaceRep’s case studies.


PeaceRep provides new and innovative ways of ‘PeaceTech’ working, focused on innovations in data, research and data collaboration, and feedback to data owners and social change agents in the field. The workstream is developing the PA-X database and integrating it in innovative projects of data visualisation and dashboarding. The component is establishing an international network of PeaceTech practitioners for innovative digital transformation management in peace processes.