Dr Rim Turkmani

Dr Rim Turkmani is a Senior Policy Fellow at LSE IDEAS. She is a Principal Investigator for the research project Legitimacy and citizenship in the Arab world. She is member of the LSE Middle East Centre Academic Committee and is a member of the Women’s Advisory Board to the UN special envoy to Syria. Her research work focuses on legitimate governance in the Middle East and local conflict and peace drivers. She pioneered new methods in collecting data in conflict zones in MappingSyria.org project and ‘Crowd-sourcing Conflict and Peace ‘Events’ in the Syrian conflict’ which produced a detailed database of instances of violence and peace-making.

She published numerous policy and academic papers and most recently co-edited a special issue on local agreements that was published by the academic journal Peacebuilding.  She also published 15 peer reviewed scientific publications that are available at Harvards’s ADS database and that received more than 400 citations.