
Seminars, discussions and more from PeaceRep consortium members.


Informed commentaries from experts, policy makers and guest writers.

Introducing our 'Stories' Feature

The Political Settlements Research Programme has commissioned a series of ‘Stories’ from established journalists to synthesise what we do and to draw out links between and findings from our...


Political Unsettlement and Continuing Conflict in Central African Republic

Central African Republic (CAR) is in a state of crisis. Multiple rounds of conflict in the past two decades, the most recent of which began in 2012 and is stillRead More

Mind the Billboards: The Paradox of Paternalism in Burundi

Astrid Jamar continues her analysis of the prominence of aid billboards in Burundi and how these contribute to colonial continuities which in turn shape the public space and public...


Mind the Billboards: International Aid Conquering the Public Space in Burundi

Burundian roadsides often have prominent billboards displaying the name of aid projects.  Astrid Jamar discusses how these billboards dominate public space and shape public authority in ways that produce...


The Bangsamoro Organic Law: A Concrete Step towards Peace in Mindanao

In this guest post, Asli Ozcelik and Jenna Sapiano examine the peace process in the Philippines through a constitutional perspective, drawing on their presentations at this year’s ICON-S conference at theRead More


PA-X Timeline Progress

This blog was first published 17 August 2018 on the dedicated PA-X Visualization website. This is the second post in a series of blogs about data visualizations of PA-X,...

PA-X Timeline: a Data Visualization for the Peace Agreements Database

In this post Lucy Havens retraces the work of visualizing the PA-X database. The post was first published on PaxViz, a page dedicated to sharing the story of visualizing...


The ceasefire is essential – but what should happen next for peace in Afghanistan?

Why is a ceasefire important? Accord’s latest publication on peace in Afghanistan, produced by Conciliation Resources, highlights the need for a radical new approach to peace in the country – one thatRead More


Balancing stability and inclusion in peace transitions: a way forward

This post by Dr Zahbia Yousuf was first posted by Conciliation Resources and is re-posted here with permission. Inclusive societies are more resilient and less prone to violent conflict, andRead More


Sequencing Ceasefire Agreements: First, Last or in the Middle?

In this post, Robert Forster (PSRP Research Analyst) introduces his new briefing paper, Quick Guide to Ceasefire Arrangements, and highlights recent trends in ceasefire agreements, the challenges of sequencing ceasefires,Read More


Ending the Political Transition? Analysing the Nepal elections from an inclusion...

Following a decade long Maoist insurgency (1996-2005) and the peace process that followed it, Nepal elected political representatives at all three levels of government: the local election held in threeRead More
