PeaceRep launches the PA-X Tracker: Peace and Transition Process Tracker

Introducing a groundbreaking addition to its PeaceTech toolkit, PeaceRep launches the PA-X Tracker this week. This cutting-edge tool provides data-driven, evidence-based support to inform decision-making and research into peace and transition processes. It forms part of PeaceRep’s wider commitment to peace analytics, leveraging technology for the digital transformation of peace and transition process design.


About the PA-X Tracker

The PA-X Tracker combines a range of data tools to enable users to track and monitor the progress and implementation of peace and transition processes.

The Tracker allows users to understand how peace processes are unfolding, who is involved in them, and what impact the processes have had on a range of institutional, political, economic, humanitarian and security indicators.

Users can compare data across different country contexts, or can select a country of interest to view country-specific data on a timeline, through interactive dashboards, interactive network graphs and other data driven applications.

The Tracker is designed for international, national and local mediators, peacebuilders, researchers, policymakers and anyone with an interest in understanding and monitoring contemporary peace and transition processes.

A view of the Tracker showing conflict events
A ‘before and after’ view of the Tracker showing conflict events


What can the PA-X Tracker do?

The Tracker draws on the PA-X Peace Agreement Database and external data from trusted sources to offer:

  • Interactive timelines of institutional change and key moments in a peace process
  • Actor network graphs showing past agreement signatories
  • Peace process overviews to enable comparative analysis
  • Quantitative data for measurement of peace and conflict impacts
  • Interactive maps that combine data to show a picture of peace and conflict data
  • Local data collections bridging the gap between quantitative pictures of change and local perceptions of peace
  • Qualitative implementation data for South Sudan and Ukraine


Pioneering Peace Analytics

PeaceTech is the use of digital innovation to support peacebuilding practices to improve and extend. PeaceRep is building PeaceTech innovation focused on better data for supporting adaptive management of peace and transition processes.

The Tracker forms a key part of PeaceRep’s suite of peace analytics tools, supporting practitioners and researchers in accessing, visualising, and exploring peace and conflict data. The Tracker brings together quantitative, qualitative, structured and unstructured data into one interactive platform to provide strategic insight for the adaptive management of peace process implementation.

The Tracker builds on and expands the PA-X Peace Agreements Database into a broader platform for peace process data and analytics.

PeaceRep Executive Director Christine Bell introduces the PA-X Tracker in a new book, PeaceTech: Digital Transformation to End Wars. The chapter highlights PeaceRep’s efforts to develop the Tracker in line with best practice in FAIR Principles for data management, including data interoperability and data literacy, and illustrates how peace analytics can support adaptive management of peace processes. The methodology for the Tracker can be found here.


Further information

The PA-X Tracker is now accessible from the new PA-X homepage, where you can track, search and explore all from The new interface also includes a download centre to make it easier for users to find and access datasets and codebooks.

The Tracker is a live and growing platform. PeaceRep now enters a phase of continuing end user engagements and iterative design improvements, building to launch events around the UK, and online, later in 2024.

We expect to implement further updates and improvements to the Tracker as we gain insights into how users navigate and make use of the tool. During this period of interactive feedback, users can expect additional expansions and releases.

We welcome any and all feedback on the Tracker at

Learn more about the PA-X Tracker

Explore the PA-X Tracker