Newest release expands PA-X data to 2021

PSRP has just published the fifth release of the PA-X Peace Agreements Database. With this release, PA-X remains the most expansive and complete online archive, database, and dataset of peace agreements.

What’s new in this release?

New agreements: This release adds 47 new agreements spanning dates from 2008 – 2021. PA-X now includes the Juba Agreement (Sudan), which at 245 pages is one of the longest documents in the database. We have also added the Joint Statement on negotiations in Senegal (Casamance), from April 2021.

Historical agreements on PA-X Local and PA-X Gender: Many of the new agreements in this release are in our sub-databases. PA-X Local lists agreements that deal with local issues, involve local actors, and deal with forms of local/communal violent conflict, and PA-X Gender contains more detailed analysis of the agreements that mention women, girls, or gender. A total of 32 new agreements have been added to PA-X Local, from Central African Republic, Mali, South Sudan, Syria and Yemen, up to the first half of 2021. Most of these are historical additions, from 2008 onwards. A total of 14 new agreements have been added to PA-X Gender, from Central African Republic, Myanmar, South Sudan, and Sudan. Most of these agreements are from 2019, 2020, and 2021.

Interim governance variable: We have also added a new variable in the PA-X dataset, which accounts for whether the agreement sets out an interim system of governance, in support of a transition. This is based on the definition from International IDEA: “Interim governance arrangements are an institutional framework established to create a ‘bridge’ from a situation of governance that has been interrupted by political or violent crisis often situated in an authoritarian past, towards a more peaceful, inclusive and democratic government.” (Interim Governance Arrangements in Post-Conflict and Fragile Settings by International IDEA).

About PA-X

The PA-X Peace Agreements Database is a database and repository of peace agreements from 1990 to 2019. PA-X provides a comprehensive dataset of peace agreements capable of underpinning both quantitative and qualitative research. PA-X has been designed to provide easy access to peace agreement texts and to allow users to explore patterns of agreements over time, both within processes and across processes. PA-X is designed to be accessible to:

  • mediators and parties in conflict seeking to understand how compromise can be crafted
  • civic actors seeking to influence on-going peace talks and proposals
  • social science researchers interested in understanding peace agreements quantitatively and qualitatively.

Explore the PA-X Peace Agreements Database now. View the PA-X Codebook.

Data visualisations

PA-X also includes a suite of visualisations that show the full variety of peace agreements across time, space, and issues of contention. This is a fascinating resource for exploring PA-X data on peace agreements and learning about how peace processes unfold. View all visualisations.

Research drawing on PA-X

PSRP and others have published a wide range of publications drawing on PA-X data. For a full list, see our PA-X Publication Series.

How Peace Agreements Provide for Implementation

Principled Pragmatism and the Inclusion Project: Implementing a Gender Perspective in Peace Agreements

Introducing PA-X: A New Peace Agreement Database and Dataset

Peace Process Protagonism: The Role of Regional Organisations in Africa in Conflict Management

Untangling Conflict: Local Peace Agreements in Contemporary Armed Violence

The Logic of Ceasefires in Civil War by Govinda Clayton and Valerie Sticher