New visualisations explore global peace agreement data
PSRP has collaborated with Dr Jaume Nualart to produce a series of data visualisations using PA-X Peace Agreements Database. The visualisations offer stunning new ways to represent and explore global peace agreements. Explore the new visualisations on the PA-X website.
Overview of issues and agreement types in PA-X
Designed by Dr Jaume Nualart, this visualisation shows an overview of peace agreement types and their substantive content. By choosing different elements and issues, users can quickly understand the content of the PA-X peace agreements.
Alluvial of Mentions
This interactive visualisation, designed by Dr Jaume Nualart, provides an overview of issues that are part of the PA-X search tools. As a visual representation of the PA-X codebook, it shows how issues are organized, and the types of issues that the PA-X team has found addressed in the data.
Student Projects
In continuation of the PSRP collaboration with Dr Jaume Nualart, we are happy to present a second round of students’ work on visualising the PA-X data. These projects were created by students in the Data Science Master’s programme at the Open University of Catalonia, during the 2019-20-S2 semester. Each project represents the student’s unique view of the PA-X data, and we are happy to invite you to explore their vision.
Explore the new visualisations on the PA-X website.