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Peace Agreement Signatories Network Analysis

Demonstrating the capabilities of the network analysis methodology


This interactive interface is a beta tool developed to demonstrate the capabilities of the network analysis methodology.

In this application, our upcoming new Peace Agreement Actor Dataset (PAA-X) (Badanjak and Henry, 2024), which structures signatories from the PA-X Peace Agreements Database, is represented in a matrix representation of an undirected bipartite graph. This approach allows us to deep dive into presence of absence of signatories in peace agreements. Find out more on the methodology in the adjoining report, and see how it can be used for analysis in our intital case study of the United Nations.

To explore the methodology, and the data on the interface, select a peace process of interest. In this process, you can query the data to return instances with one more actors selected, can query the network by agreements, can explore both actor signatory data, agreement data, see how the agreement metadata can be used for analysis, and check out our approach to track actors over time.

This interface is currently a beta application – please be patient when using it, and report any major bugs or issues to us.

Access the full-screen version of this interface here.

This data is not fully released, or finalised, so please do not use it in any evidence-based decision-making until the data is finalised later in the year when a citation and data access will be facilitated.

Check out our other tools that are visualising signatories in and across peace processes: