Transitional Justice and Peace Negotiations with a Gender Lens

Authors: Astrid Jamar and Christine Bell

This brief sets out a gender and women’s rights analysis of transitional justice in peace agreements. Transitional justice mechanisms provide a measure of accountability, and women who have experienced human rights violations and conflict-related atrocities may seek justice and guarantees of non-repetition. Given the wider societal aims pursued by transitional justice (such as reparation, reconstruction, accountability), women will also have reasons to engage in and influence transitional justice besides wanting to make it gender-sensitive or transformative of gender relations

This brief is part of a Gender Briefing Series to support women’s meaningful participation and the integration of gender perspectives in peace processes that aim to end violent intrastate conflict. It was funded with generous support from the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development.

This report is part of a PSRP series on inclusive peace processes for UN Women. Visit UN Women for more information.