Elections: Perceptions of Peace in South Sudan

Authors: David Deng, Sophia Dawkins, Christopher Oringa and Jan Pospisil

This policy brief presents a summary of findings about citizens’ perceptions of upcoming national elections, from a survey of South Sudanese respondents in 2021-2022. National elections are meant to be the endpoint of South Sudan’s political transition. Data collected before the announcement of the extension of the transitional period demonstrates strong support from South Sudanese respondents for elections in 2023. Findings suggest that although elections are likely to support and sustain the political status quo, they are also likely to deepen polarisation along ethno-political lines.

This policy brief was published by Detcro, the Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution, and PeaceRep: The Peace and Conflict Resolution Evidence Platform.

Access the full report on Perceptions of Peace in South Sudan: Longitudinal Findings (2022)

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