Mapping Agreement Provisions onto Constitution Texts
To what extent do peace agreements influence subsequent constitutions?
To what extent do peace agreements influence subsequent constitutions?
This question can be answered by finding provisions in peace agreements that are semantically similar to sections of later constitutions. This process is referred to as semantic mapping. This demonstrator illustrates the semantic mapping of agreement provisions onto sections of constitutions.
Access the full-screen version of the interface here.
The demonstrator illustrates the mapping process using peace agreements and constitutions from a number of countries. A high number of semantically similar provision-section pairs indicates the degree to which agreement provisions determine the content of constitutions.
In addition to mapping data, the demonstrator presents a list of mapped sections from the Bosnia & Herzegovina constitution, sample timeline visualisations from Bosnia & Herzegovina, and sample metadata analysis.
See more on the methodological approaches in the adjoining report.
The mapping methods are related to topic discovery methods which are discussed in this document.
Learn more about how Semantic Analysis can be used to support peace analytics in Gardner’s report: