
Seminars, discussions and more from PeaceRep consortium members.



Examining the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on peace and transition processes


PeaceRep responded to the pandemic by providing timely evidence on how COVID-19, and responses to it, affected peace and transition processes in some of the world’s most protracted conflicts.

PeaceRep is part of the FCDO-funded Covid Collective, which commissions urgent research to help tackle the social, political and economic impact of the pandemic.

The COVID-19 Ceasefires Tracker is a publicly available digital tracking tool to examine the consequences of the coronavirus outbreak on peace processes and armed conflict across the world. The tool shows the progress of ceasefires alongside data on infection rates in country, up until 10 March 2023.

Explore all PeaceRep COVID-19 related digital tools, resources and publications below.

Search view of the COVID Ceasefires dataset COVID Ceasefires Tracker - map view

COVID Ceasefires Tracker: Timeline

COVID Ceasefires Tracker: Search

COVID Ceasefires Tracker: Map

View COVID ceasefires data in a timeline format. Search and browse the COVID Ceasefires database. View ceasefires data as a map and filter by region, country, and declaration type.


A view of the COVID-19 Trackers library Discarded syringes. Photo by Andre Malerba/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images All COVID-19 research outputs image tile showing a world map on a face mask

COVID-19 Tracker Library

VaxxPax Vaccination Ceasefires Dataset

All COVID Outputs

Access a curated list of trackers monitoring COVID-19 induced conflict ceasefire events. Explore the dataset of vaccination ceasefires across the world from 1985 to 2018. Download the COVID Ceasefires dataset and access all COVID-19 related research.




COVID-19 Publications


COVID-19 Blogposts
