
Seminars, discussions and more from PeaceRep consortium members.


Core Courses at the University of Edinburgh

PeaceRep’s courses for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students at Edinburgh Law School


Old College, Edinburgh University

PeaceRep researchers design and teach courses for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students at Edinburgh Law School. These courses draw on PeaceRep’s data-driven, comparative research into the design and management of peace and transition processes, and our innovative PeaceTech data visualisation work.

Courses taught by PeaceRep researchers at Edinburgh Law School in 2024/2025:


For current students:

These courses will also be offered as part of various programmes of study at the University of Edinburgh, and will complement existing courses that focus on public international law, human rights issues and humanitarian law, armed conflict, peace and security, and gender justice. For undergraduate and postgraduate students, PeaceRep courses are particularly relevant for those studying Politics, International Relations (PIR) and Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, and International Development.

Current students can register for the above Honours and PG courses via EUCLID from September 2024.