Digital tools for peace process transformation
PeaceRep will provide new and innovative ways of ‘PeaceTech’ working, focused on innovations in data, data and research collaboration, and feedback to data owners and social change agents in the field.
This workstream will develop the PA-X database and integrate it in innovative projects of data visualisation and dashboarding.
The component will also establish an international network of PeaceTech practitioners for innovative digital transformation management in peace processes.
Explore the research methodology behind our PeaceTech innovations in PeaceRep’s Peace Analytics Series.

Key Research Questions
– How can data for processes be constructed to create a comparative frame for peace process comparison? What improvements on PA-X data and interconnectivity can be built?
– How can peace process data across organisations be linked to create ‘big data’: what are the obstacles to collaboration, and what are the technical solutions?
– How do research methods of data collection lead to new ways to collaborate, and to ‘seeing things differently’? How can innovative processes of visualisation provoke new constituencies to interact with the data and use it for social change and peacebuilding?
– How can data capacity be harnessed across global north and south for peace making capacity?
– What are the best modalities for bringing together the human resources for good technological innovation, with the research questions which will assist new forms of peacebuilding activity, with the researchers, in a good ‘product design’ tool?
– What is distinctive about PeaceTech, from other forms of ‘Tech’?
– How can participation of women and marginalised communities be facilitated in a data world of uneven access?