Still time to talk: Adaptation and innovation in peace mediation
Editor: Teresa Whitfield
How can mediators adapt to the changing realities of conflict and global politics? Accord 30 examines the evolving mediation landscape and explores innovative approaches to engage armed groups, navigate the digital environment, and ensure diverse views are incorporated into peace processes.
This issue of Accord explores areas of adaptation and innovation in peace mediation in four sections:
- The landscape for peace mediation
- Diversified mediators, mandates and ambitions
- Engaging resistant, elusive and excluded parties in peace mediation
- Mediating with and on technology
PeaceRep research contributed extensively to the report, including the underlying approach and the following articles by PeaceRep authors:
- ‘Multimediation’: adapting in response to fragmentation (Christine Bell)
- Diversification and congestion in international peacemaking (Mateja Peter and Sanja Badanjak)
Accord issue 30 was published by PeaceRep partner Conciliation Resources and is available online.