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Search againPeacebuilding through Technology: Crafting digital platforms...
...It involves technology, data and digital media, and uses mobile phones, digital applications, geographical information systems, social media...
Gender, Peace Agreements, and Fragmentation
...the number of peace agreements reached in 2023, the general trend from 1990 is that the number of...
Peace Processes
...Peace Agreements Locations of Peace Processes around the World Number of Peace Agreements around the World Types of...
Sixty-one Years of Ta’ang Revolution
...Shan Army in northern Shan State. One of the sons of Sao Khun Pan Sein, Tar Khun Aye,...
Community Research Network: Bridging Research Needs and Ethi...
...donors in North benefit from the, “availability of cheap labor, ease of access to powerful figures, and safety...
Agreement-making, New Technologies and Traditional Authority...
Introduction Somalia has been termed a ‘transnational state’, where the evolution of its telecommunications and money transfer infrastructure...
South Sudan: The Challenge of Government Reshuffles in the T...
...the tickets for the Ministers of Defence and Interior between IO and IG. In an immediate statement after...
Mogadishu and the AAIA Checkpoint – Securitisation and Mon...
...white logo of the Hormud Telecommunications Company. At the Sahal office or ‘checkpoint’ as it is commonly referred,...
PSRP analysis cited in UN Secretary-General's report on wome...
...implementation phase. However, the inclusion of references to women, girls or gender continues to fluctuate widely, and a...
(Still) Searching for gender perspectives in peace agreement...
...the number of peace agreements that include gender references is potentially plateauing between 20% and 35% each year.[3]...
Yemen's Response to COVID-19: Part I
...across Yemen; albeit possibly in vastly different ways. After a number of years of state absence, complex networks...