
Seminars, discussions and more from PeaceRep consortium members.


Informed commentaries from experts, policy makers and guest writers.

Pragmatically Approaching a Vaccination Ceasefire for Polio in Gaza

Following the recent detection of the polio virus in Gaza, Laura Wise, Sanja Badanjak and Ian Russell share PeaceRep research on vaccination ceasefires and their efficacy. 


Spaces of Resilience in South Sudan: Higher Education in a New State’s Foundations

In this blog, Robert Wilson reflects on the challenges facing the youth population aspiring to further education under the current political leadership in South Sudan.

What the Nigerian Elections Teach Us about Political Competition in Transactional...

Jared Miller examines how electoral reforms and civic movements intersect with and are shaped by political marketplace competition.


Untangling the Politics of Violence, Identity, and Peace in Nigeria

Jared Miller introduces his two new papers, which explore how political competition in Nigeria intertwines with violent conflict, corruption, and identity politics.
