
Seminars, discussions and more from PeaceRep consortium members.

Posts - S Sudan

Showing6posts from cats: + Array

Gender, Brideprice, and Conflict in South Sudan: a Path to Progress through Legal Reform

Nyachangkuoth Tai examines the interplay between tradition and modernity in South Sudan, drawing on a recent report on gender, brideprice, and conflict.

PeaceRep Myanmar team invited to speak at British Academy

PeaceRep team members presented research on conflict fragmentation and peacemaking in Myanmar at the launch of the Global (Dis)Order policy programme.

Checkpoints, Ma’awisley and the Political Entrepreneur

This report examines the dynamics of checkpoints, or roadblock politics, as a critical lens for understanding Somalia's political economy.

In a Widespread War of All against All, Can Ethiopia Survive the Storm?

This brief provides a narrative of Abiy’s ascent to power and his anti-establishment rhetoric, which has led the country into the current chaos and war with itself.

Humanitarian Aid in Baidoa: Religious Leaders Speak Out

Abdirahman Edle delves into the exploitation of humanitarian aid and resulting moral and economic tensions that have arisen in Baidoa, Somalia.

Local Peacebuilding Initiatives in Iraq: Workshop Explores Community-driven Solutions for...

A workshop in Erbil brought together local leaders, civil society members, and peacebuilding practitioners to examine the vital role of Local Peace Committees and community-driven initiatives in Iraq’s recovery.

Publications - South Sudan

Showing6posts from cats: Yemen + Array

Yemen: PA-X Matters

Saketh Srinivas explores why tracking and recording peace agreements in PA-X matters, and examines peace and conflict impacts in Yemen.

Yemen: Snakes and Ladders

Yemen's civil war resembles a modern-day game of snakes and ladders. In this blogpost, Peter Salisbury explores the complex dynamics at play.

Snakes and Ladders: The Regional and International Dimensions of Yemen’s Civil War

This paper examines diplomatic efforts to end the Yemeni war and why it has proven more difficult to end than past conflicts.

The Gulf States Mediating in the Horn of Africa: For Domestic or Regional Consumption?

Domestic considerations need to be recognised when examining the Gulf states' involvement in conflict mediation throughout the Horn of Africa.

Transnational Dynamics in the MENA Region: Exploring Policy Responses

Since the Arab Uprisings, understanding the roots and primary characteristics of the MENA region's changing security landscape requires a new investigative lens.

Interrogating Different Modes of GCC Conflict Mediation

This report demonstrates differences between Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states' approaches to conflict mediation and levels of engagement.